Journal of GeoEngineering

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Manuscript submission

  1. Online submission:    For submission of manuscript, please use the online submission platform ( ) . Manuscripts must be either in Acrobat PDF format or in Microsoft WORD format. A cover letter specifying the paper type and the information of the corresponding author is also required.
  2. Copyright Permission Form:    The copyright permission form can be downloaded via the following link: Copyright Permission Form
  3. Copyright Transfer Form:    The copyright transfer form can be downloaded via the following link: Copyright Transfer Form

Manuscript preparation

  1. Language: Manuscript should be written in double-spaced English on A4 or letter-size paper.
  2. Length: A full paper including figures and tables should not exceed 10 published pages (equivalent to 12500 words), and a short note should not exceed 5 pages (equivalent to 5000 words).
  3. Abstract and Keywords: Abstracts should consist of one paragraph (i.e. no bullets or breaks) and have a maximum of 300 words. References should not be cited in the abstract. No more than 6 keywords should be given below the abstract.
  4. Authors' affiliations: Authors’ affiliations, including authors’ addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, must be specified. The corresponding author should also be indicated.
  5. Equations: Equations must be numbered on the right-hand side. Leave space above and below all equations. Equation numbers mentioned in the text should be enclosed in parenthesis, e.g. (12).
  6. Figures and tables: Figures may be in color but clearly reproducible in grey-scale on a non-color printer. Figures must have a resolution higher than 300dpi. The lettering should be large enough so that it is clearly visible when reduced (should not be less than 8 point after reduction). For all labels in figures and tables, the first character of the first word should be capitalized and all other characters in the label must be lower case (except for formal names), e.g. Shear stress (not Shear Stress).
  7. Units: Use the international system units (SI units).
  8. Line and page numbers: Add line and page numbers in the manuscript.
  9. Funding: Provide funding information by including the name(s) of the funding organization(s), grant numbers and titles.
  10. Data availability: choose one from the examples below or write your own statement.
    • The data and/or computer codes used/generated in this study can be downloaded at http://[xxx]
    • The data and/or computer codes used/generated in this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
    • All data and/or computer codes used/generated in this study are included in this paper.
    • The data used in this study are not publicly available. They are used in this study under permission from [third party].
    • This study does not generate new data and/or new computer codes.
  11. Conflict of Interest Statement: Declare potential conflicts of interest, including financial interests (such as funding source, employment or consultancy with a private company, honoraria, etc.) and non-financial interests (such as personal or professional relationship, academic competition, religious view, etc.) that could affect editor’s, reviewer’s and readers’ objectivity inappropriately.
  12. References: To cite references in the text, use the author-date method: list the last names of the authors, then the year. Add DOI link at the end of the reference. Prepare a reference section listing all references alphabetically by last name of the first author. Examples of layout of references are given below.
    Meyerhof, G. G. (1963). "Some recent research on the bearing capacity of foundations." Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1(1), 16-26.
    Marcuson, W.F., Hynes, M.E., and Franklin, A.G. (1992). "Seismic stability and permanent deformation analyses: The last twenty-five years." Proc., Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments II, ASCE, New York, 552-592.
    Baecher, G. B., and Christian, J. T. (2003). Reliability and Statistics in Geotechnical Engineering, Wiley, Chichester, U.K.
  13. Review Process and Policies
    • The Editor-in-Chief and Editor conduct an initial screening to ensure the submitted article aligns with the journal's goals, meets language standards, and satisfies technical requirements. If it passes this screening, it moves to formal reviews. During this process, the Editor-in-Chief may assign the manuscript to an editorial board member (EBM), who then invites internal or external reviewers.
    • The EBM then makes an overall assessment for the manuscript based on at least two reviewers’ comments. Once the EBM submits the overall assessment and recommendation to the journal office, the Editor-in-Chief reviews the recommendation and makes a final decision on the manuscript.
    • For revised manuscripts, authors must provide a response to reviewers' comments, addressing all feedback and making necessary changes. If authors disagree with a comment, they should explain why in their response. Failure to adequately address reviewers' comments could lead to rejection of the manuscript.
  14. Ethics
    • Integrity: The journal prioritizes maintaining the highest level of integrity in all its published content.
    • Conflict of Interest: The journal has a Conflict-of-Interest policy in place.
    • COPE: The journal follows COPE guidelines to uphold research integrity, investigating misconduct allegations. We may use plagiarism detection software for submissions; if plagiarism is found, we'll follow COPE's plagiarism guidelines. Any changes to the author list post-submission need approval from all authors. The corresponding author must formally request and justify changes on behalf of all co-authors, with final approval at the discretion of the journal.
  15. Open Access Journal
    • Open Access Journal: A platform for high-quality geotechnical engineering research, without article processing charges (APCs) or publication fees, invites researchers to explore and integrate our publications into their scholarly work.